Live Plants

Welcome to the “Live Plants” section of Green Grass Grove’s website! Here at our private research and therapy farm, we grow an abundance of exotic crops and animal-feed to support our farm operations. We purposefully plant plenty of extras to ensure the success of our farm, which often leads to an overabundance of rare and special plant varieties. We believe in giving back to our Patrons by making our overstock available to YOU! Our farming success is your success too! It’s a win-win situation!!!

Our Patron Plant Nursery is home to a wide variety of useful and rare plants, including berries, sapling trees, fruits, nuts, herbs, and vegetables. Our collection is always GROWING, and our inventory is ever-changing, so each visit presents a new opportunity to discover something excitingly different. We are thrilled to offer our Patrons access to plants that are not typically available in stores.

At Green Grass Grove, we have access to rare and exclusive plants that we locally source by starting them from seeds or making clones. We use natural root/growth hormone to stimulate root growth before placing them into either an Aquaponic/Hydroponic system or a pot using high-quality composted soil. We regularly deadhead our plants to ensure they remain healthy and looking their best. After the plant has been established, we can prepare it for transplant or transport it to your garden!

Whether you’re looking to add something new to your garden or want to try a unique plant, we have something for everyone. Come and check us out today and on future visits too!

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